Senin, 29 Desember 2014

Journal Predator ... Be Careful with a fooL

A predatory publisher may ...
(1) Publish papers already published in other venues/outlets without providing appropriate credits
 (2)  Use language claiming to be a “leading publisher” even though the publisher may only be a startup or a novice organization.
  (3) Operate in a Western country chiefly for the purpose of functioning as a vanity press for scholars in a developing country.
 (4)  Do minimal or no copyediting.
 (5)   Publish papers that are not academic at all, e.g. essays by laypeople or
    obvious pseudo-science.

 (6)   Have a “contact us” page that only includes a web form, and the publisher hides or does not reveal its location

The following practices are considered to be reflective of poor journal standards and, while they do not equal predatory criteria, potential authors should give due consideration to these items prior to manuscript submissions:

  (1)   The publisher copies “authors guidelines” verbatim (or with minor editing) from other publishers.
   (2)  The publisher lists insufficient contact information, including contact information that does not clearly state the headquarters location or misrepresents the headquarters location (e.g., through the use of addresses that are actually mail drops).
(3)    The publisher publishes journals that are excessively broad (e.g., Journal of Education) in order to attract more articles and gain more revenue from author fees.
 (4)    The publisher publishes journals that combine two or more fields not normally treated together (e.g., International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology).
  (5)  The publisher requires transfer of copyright and retains copyright on journal content. Or the publisher requires the copyright transfer upon submission of manuscript.
(6)     The publisher has poorly maintained websites, including dead links, prominent misspellings and grammatical errors on the website.
 (7)    The publisher makes unauthorized use of licensed images on their website, taken from the open web, without permission or licensing from the copyright owners.
 (8)    The publisher engages in excessive use of spam email to solicit manuscripts or editorial board memberships
   (9)  The publishers’ officers use email addresses that end in, some other free email supplier
  (10)   The publisher fails to state licensing policy information on articles or shows lack of understanding of well-known OA journal article licensing standards.
  (11)   The publisher lacks a published article retraction policy or retracts articles without a formal statement; also the publisher does not publish corrections or clarifications and does not have a policy for these issues.
    The publisher does not use ISSN numbers, DOI numbers or uses them improperly.
 (12)   For the name of the publisher, the publisher uses names such as “Network,” “Center,” “Association,” “Institute,” and the like when it is only a publisher and does not meet the definition of the term used.
   (13)  The publisher has excessive advertising on its site to the extent that it interferes with site navigation and content access.
(14) The publisher has no membership in industry associations and/or intentionally fails to follow industry standards.
  (15)  The publisher includes links to legitimate conferences and associations on its main website, as if to borrow from other organizations’ legitimacy, and emblazon the new publisher with the others’ legacy value.
 (16)   The publisher displays prominent statements that promise rapid publication and/or unusually quick peer review.
 (17)   The publisher focuses on authors (not readers) and on getting their fees at the expense of due quality, and offers few or no value adds to readers such as RSS feeds, hotlinked references, or the like.
 (18)   The publisher creates a publishing operation that is set up and run by a single individual who engages in rapacious entrepreneurial behavior. The individual might have business administration experience, and the site may have business journals but it also has journals that are outside the experience of the entrepreneur or anyone on staff.
 (19)   The publisher or its journals are not listed in standard periodical directories or are not widely cataloged in library databases.
(20)    The publisher copies or egregiously mimics journal titles from other publishers.
 (21)   The publisher uses text on the publisher’s main page that describes the open access movement and then foists the publisher as if the publisher is active in fulfilling the movement’s values and goals.
  (22)  None of the members of a particular journal’s editorial board have ever published an article in the journal.

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